Algemene Zwemvereniging Leidschendam (AZL)
AZL Clubhouse – swimming pool De Fluit
Fluitpolderplein 1
Postal address
Frequently asked questions
Do you have a question about swimming club AZL? Then take a look at our Frequently asked questions section first. Perhaps the answer is already there. If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact us. Below you will find the contact details of the various departments.
Your opinion is important!
Of course, we hope you are satisfied. However, something may not meet your expectations. In that case, please contact us directly so that we can improve our services. You can also use our feedback form for this purpose. Even if you are completely satisfied, we would still like to hear from you. You can also easily leave a review at Google Reviews. Just use the buttons below.
Telephone accessibility
Our swimming club runs 100% on enthusiastic volunteers, who often have full-time jobs outside the pool in their ‘free time’. Partly for this reason, we cannot be reached by phone and prefer contact via e-mail, or in person during club hours in the pool. If you do want to discuss something over the phone, please send an e-mail request to be called back.
E-mail addresses and WhatsApp
For specific information about a particular part of swimming club AZL, please contact the people or departments below directly:
Water polo
Water polo committee
Water polo starters
Water polo starters committee
Competitive swimming
Competition committee
Lesson swimming (Swim-ABC, Swimming Proficiencies, Scubadoe snorkelling and swimming for adults)
Elementary Swimming Committee
Karola Latté
Membership and contribution
Membership administration
Terminate membership
WhatsApp for general questions about AZL activities 
For general questions about AZL activities, lesson and training times, the clubhouse as well as lost and found objects, please reach us via WhatsApp on 06 83 78 80 85.
Volunteers will try to answer messages within 24 hours. Specific questions about swimming lessons, water polo and competitive swimming are best addressed directly to the relevant department.
Confidential counsellor
If you wish to report something confidential, such as cross-border behaviour, please contact AZL’s confidential counsellor at
You can also contact NOC*NSF’s Centre for Safe Sport (Centrum voor veilige sport). The Centre for Safe Sport’s freephone number is 0900-202 5590. This helpline with professional counsellors is available Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5:30pm. You can also contact the centre by email at Reporting anonymously, or chatting outside office hours, is also possible. For instructions or for more information, visit the Centre for Safe Sport website: