Quality and safety

Swimming education focuses primarily on safety. Children learn to swim with the aim of preventing drowning. As a swimming lessons provider that trains for the Dutch National Swimming Diplomas, AZL has opted for safety, quality and clarity. AZL’s assurance of safety and quality is expressed in various quality marks and accreditations.

At AZL, quality and safety are very important to us. We want pupils to have fun and learn to swim well at the same time. It is also important to us that pupils, visitors and volunteers feel safe and secure. On this page, you can read how we keep quality and safety at the highest possible level. 


As a swimming club, AZL works entirely with volunteers. However, quality swimming lessons and training require more than just a team of motivated volunteers. At AZL, we find it important that pupils and athletes have fun and, as far as swimming lessons are concerned, learn to swim well. That quality needs to be ensured.

External quality assessment

As a club, AZL is affiliated to the Royal Dutch Swimming Federation KNZB. To ensure quality, the activities of the lesson swimming department are assessed annually by an external expert from the National Water Safety Council. The result of a positive assessment is the National Swimming Diplomas License, which has existed since the end of 2014 and which AZL has held since 2015.

Training of instructors

At AZL, we invest in our volunteers by offering education, training and refresher courses in swimming and rescue. For instance, we currently have over 20 qualified instructors and trainers with a recognised KNZB diploma, such as swimming instructor level 2 and level 3 and trainer level 3. For assistants, we organise internal training, at the level of swimming instructor level 1. Several instructors are also recognised by the Dutch National Water Safety Platform as National Swimming Diploma Examiners. For safety in and around the pool, many of the instructors have a valid first aid diploma and/or emergency response certificate.

Finally, AZL has a catering licence for the clubhouse and several clubhouse staff have a certificate of Social Hygiene (SVH).

AZL is a recognised provider of the Ooievaarspas.


At AZL, safety comes first. This concerns physical safety, of course, but social safety is not forgotten either. For both forms of safety, it is of paramount importance to prevent unsafe situations and incidents. In the unlikely event that something does go wrong, AZL makes sure that the damage is limited.

Physical safety – Accidents, fire and evacuation

During AZL’s club activities, unsafe situations that could lead to accidents are avoided as much as possible. Nevertheless, should a dangerous situation or incident occur, volunteers are always present and trained to provide First Aid, rescue drowning persons, fight fires and evacuate (parts of) the swimming pool. AZL has an active safety policy and invests, among other things, in retraining these volunteers, such as by organising First Aid courses and evacuation drills.

Social safety – Undesirable behaviour

The board of the Algemene Zwemvereniging Leidschendam considers it important that members, volunteers and visitors can play sports or take part in club activities safely. This includes social safety. Together, we must ensure that there is no undesirable and/or cross-border behaviour. If cross-border behaviour is nevertheless suspected, it is reported to NOC*NSF’s Centre for Safe Sport. Those involved are encouraged to talk about undesirable and/or transgressive behaviour. Talk about it with friends, parents, a volunteer, the board or with AZL’s confidential counsellor. Finally, there is also NOC*NSF’s Centre for Safe Sport (Centrum voor veilige sport) where professional counsellors are available to help you further.

Within AZL, we have made the following specific agreements about safe sports.

  1. We work according to the KNZB Code of Professional Conduct (Regulation Q, version September 2013) and the NRZ Swimming Industry Code of Conduct (version 11 February 2019);
  2. All volunteers have submitted a valid Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG). Each VOG is replaced with a new one no later than 3 years after its issue;
  3. All volunteers have signed a declaration that they have read, understood and will comply with the Code of Professional Conduct mentioned under point 1;
  4. At AZL, we always address each other about undesirable behaviour;
  5. We treat each other with respect inside and outside the accommodation. Transgressive behaviour, such as abuse of power, intimidation, threats, coercion, aggression, insults, bullying, double talk, sexual harassment and/or discrimination will not be tolerated. This applies to everyone: board members, instructors, trainers, other volunteers, members, parents/guardians and other visitors;
  6. A volunteer is never 1-on-1 with an athlete or swimmer in an enclosed space, with the exception of, for example, acute life-threatening situations or necessary emergency assistance. In such cases, the 1-on-1 situation is terminated as soon as possible. Such situations will be reported to the board;
  7. Volunteers and adult swimmers never change clothes in a changing room where children are also changing. A volunteer with own swimming children uses the changing cubicles or a family changing cubicle. Volunteers change clothes only in changing room 5 (adult ladies) or 6 (adult men) or in a changing cubicle;
  8. Physical contact with athletes and swimmers will be kept to a minimum. Where physical contact is required for instructional purposes, the contact is functional and will be announced to the athlete or swimmer.