Using and setting up the AZL ClubApp

Below you can read step by step how to download the AZL ClubApp, how to log in and which settings to change.

Only (prospective) members have access to the AZL ClubApp. After you receive the confirmation email of your (prospective) membership, you can only log in from the following day. From the moment the membership ends, you also no longer have access to the AZL-ClubApp.

Note! If you already use the ClubApp with the same e-mail address for another club, you can switch between the AZL-ClubApp and the ClubApp of the other club within the app. You won’t need to create a new account and can then go straight to step 3.

Step 1 – Download the AZL ClubApp

Click on the download link in the invitation email, or download the ClubApp (published by AllUnited/Socie) from the App Store or from Google Play.





Step 2 – Start using the AZL ClubApp

  1. Choose: I am new here
  2. At e-mail address, enter the e-mail address, which is known in the member administration. This is the e-mail address where you received the invitation to the AZL ClubApp.
  3. Choose a password
  4. If you agree, tick the general conditions
  5. Click on “Create account”
  6. You will receive an email from Socie (haven’t received anything? Check your spam box)
  7. Open the e-mail and click on “Verify account”.
  8. You now have access to the AZL ClubApp.


Step 3 – Setting up the AZL ClubApp

You can change certain personal settings in the AZL ClubApp, such as turning notifications on and off and changing privacy details. If you don’t change anything then the ClubApp will work fine.

Change App notifications

  1. Within the AZL ClubApp, go to MENU My notifications (mijn meldingen)
  2. Enable the notifications you want to receive. It is recommended to leave both on, so you don’t miss any news messages. In your phone’s settings, you can specify how notifications are displayed and whether a sound is played.




Adjust Privacy settings


In the AZL ClubApp, your data are NOT visible to others with the standard settings. It does not matter how the privacy settings are chosen. The advice is therefore not to change anything in this.

If AZL wants to change the visibility of your data in the future, this will be announced in advance. At that time, we will also indicate which settings are advised from that moment on.

If you do want to change something, go within the AZL ClubApp to MENU > View my membership > Manage privacy settings  (Bekijk mijn lidmaatschap > Privacy-instellingen beheren)

As the settings do not currently affect the display of your data, the advice is not to make any changes to the settings.

The checkbox under Club magazine/Newsletter is NOT linked to the AZL lesson swimming newsletter. You can subscribe and unsubscribe to the lesson swimming newsletter using the form on the My AZL page.




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