Examination requirements Swim-ABC
On this page you can consult the exam requirements for the National Swimming Diplomas A, B and C.
We have conveniently put the clothing requirements for the various diplomas together on another page.
Requirements National Swimming Diploma A
A.1 – Survival
Entering the water from some height with a forward leap, after surfacing followed by 15 seconds of water treading, followed by 12.5 meters of swimming, completing the test by climbing independently out of the water onto the basin edge (without using a ladder or the aid of others).
A.2 – Orientation under water
Entering the water from the pool edge with a jump (diving preferred), followed by swimming underwater (without surfacing) through a hole in a tarp suspended vertically in the water at 3 meters from the (starting) edge.
A.3 – Fitness swimming
25 meters breaststroke, followed by 25 meters single backstroke, followed by 25 meters breaststroke interrupted by 1 foot drop to the basin floor, followed by 25 meters single backstroke.
A.4 – Crawl and backstroke
5 meters crawl (freestyle) and 5 meters backstroke.
A.5 – Feeling confident in the water
Swimming a few strokes in prone position, followed by 5 seconds of float in prone position, then swimming a few strokes, followed by half turn to supine position, followed by 10 seconds of float in supine position.
A.6 – Orientation and moving at the water surface
Entering the water from the pool edge with a jump of your choice, followed by 60 seconds of water treading using arms and legs, during which 2 times, while treading water, a full turn around the longitudinal axis is made.

Requirements National Swimming Diploma B
Entering the water backwards, then 15 seconds of water treading, followed by 50 meters of swimming, interrupted by swimming under a floating object once, completing the test by climbing out of the water onto the basin edge independently (without using a ladder or the aid of others).
B.2 – Orientation under water
Diving from the pool edge, followed by swimming underwater (without surfacing) through a hole in a tarp hanging vertically in the water 6 meters from the (starting) edge.
B.3 – Fitness swimming
25 meters breaststroke, followed by 25 meters single backstroke, followed by 25 meters breaststroke, followed by 25 meters single backstroke, followed by 25 meters breaststroke, followed by 25 meters single backstroke, interrupted by 2 times a half turn around the longitudinal axis (supine to prone and prone to supine position).
B.4 – Crawl and backstroke
10 meters crawl (freestyle) and 10 meters backstroke.
B.5 – Feeling confident in the water
Jumping into the water with a jump of your choice, then floating in supine position for 15 seconds, followed by 5 meters of headward motion towards a floating object, followed by 20 seconds of staying afloat using a floating object.
B.6 – Orientation and moving at the water surface
Entering the water from the pool edge with a jump of your choice, followed by 60 seconds of water treading with moving in multiple directions, using arms and legs, completing the test by dropping once towards the basin floor footwards.

Requirements National Swimming Diploma C
C.1 – Survival
– Entering the water with a roll forward, followed by 15 seconds of water treading, followed by 30 seconds of vertical floatation using a floating object, followed by 5 meters of propelling in supine position using arms.
– Entering the water with a jump while keeping the head above water, then swimming 100 meters, interrupted by swimming under a floating object once and climbing over a floating object once, finishing the test by climbing independently out of the water onto the basin edge.
– Entering the water with a jump of your choice, swimming a few strokes, then submerging 1 meter in front of a tarp hanging vertically in the water and swimming underwater through the hole in the tarp.
C.2 – Orientation under water
Diving from the pool edge, followed by swimming underwater (without surfacing) through a hole in a tarp vertically suspended in the water at 6 meters from the (starting) edge, completing the test by swimming to the surface orienteering and surfacing in a sort of ice hole.
C.3 – Fitness swimming
75 meters breaststroke, interrupted by 1 time going footward towards the basin floor, followed by 75 meters single backstroke.
C.4 – Crawl and backstroke
15 meters crawl (freestyle) and 15 meters backstroke.
C.5 – Orientation and moving at the water surface
Entering the water from the pool edge with a jump of your choice, followed by 30 seconds of water treading using arms and legs with moving in multiple directions, followed by 15 seconds of floating in supine position, finishing the test with 30 seconds of water treading with the legs.