Examination Requirements ScubaDoe Snorkelling

ATTENTION: At the moment, the Nederlandse Onderwatersport Bond (NOB) is developing new advanced snorkelling diplomas. The ScubaDoe diplomas have been discontinued as per Januari 1st, 2024.

On this page you can consult the exam requirements for the ScubaDoe Snorkelling Diplomas A, B and C, as used until January 1st.

ScubaDoe snorkelling diploma A

Swimming (without basic gear)

  • 25 metres crawl (freestyle) in reasonable style.
  • 100 metres breaststroke. On each 25-metre lane, dive up a board from at least 2 metres depth.
  • 10 metres continuous underwater swimming.

Snorkelling (with basic gear)

  • Entering the water with a forward leap, immediately followed by 100 metres of snorkelling. At each 25-metre lane, make a pike surface dive, then tap the bottom at 2 metres.
  • At a depth of at least 2 metres fill the mask with water and then clear it in one go. Come to the surface with an empty mask on the face, hands not touching the mask.
  • 25-metre buddy breathing. (Explanation: at the surface of the water, two candidates should proceed snorkelling, using one snorkel; both should keep the face underwater; breathe in and out through the snorkel only.)
  • Over a distance of 25 metres, transport the buddy (drowning person) in a head tow, after first removing the snorkel and mask from the face of the buddy while treading water (nose and mouth must be free).
  • Hold the face of the buddy above the water for 1 minute while treading water, after first taking the snorkel out of the buddy’s mouth while treading water and removing the mask from the face (nose and mouth must be free).

Agility (with basic gear)

  • At the surface in the water, make a roll backwards.
  • Underwater, tie together the ends of a line with a length of 1 metre and a diameter of at least 5 mm. The whole body should be underwater.
  • Snorkel 25 metres without using a mask. The face should remain under water.

ScubaDoe snorkelling diploma B

Swimming (without basic gear)

  • 50 metres crawl (freestyle) in reasonable style.
  • 150 metres breaststroke. On each 25-metre lane, surfacing a board from at least 2 metres depth.
  • 15 metres continuous underwater swimming.

Snorkelling (with basic gear)

  • Entering the water with a forward leap, immediately followed by 150 metres of snorkelling. On each 25-metre lane, make a roll forward.
  • The diving mask is thrown into the water from the pool edge, after which the mask reaches the pool floor at a depth of at least 2 metres. Entering the water in a self-chosen manner, the mask is surfaced, placed on the face underwater and cleared. Coming to the surface with an empty mask, hands not allowed to be on the mask.
  • 50-metre buddy-breathing (see “explanation” under “Snorkelling (with basic gear)” of snorkelling diploma A).
  • Transporting the buddy (drowning person) in a double arm push tow (duwgreep) over a distance of 50 metres after first removing the snorkel from the buddy’s mouth while treading water and removing the mask from the face (nose and mouth must be free).
  • Swim underwater over a distance of 10 metres. Then surface the buddy, who is present with his or her head at a depth of at least 2 metres, and bring him or her to the surface in head tow. Remove snorkel and mask (mouth and nose should be free). Then carry the buddy over a distance of at least 2.5 metres to the edge of the pool and hand him or her over in such a way that helpers can remove him or her from the water. During transport the buddy’s face must be kept above the water.

Agility (with basic gear)

  • At the surface of the water: float with arms wrapped around raised knees for 1 minute, breathing through the snorkel.
  • With a pike surface dive to the bottom to a depth of at least 2 metres, exhaling there and then ascending.
  • Snorkelling 50 metres using one swim fin.

ScubaDoe snorkelling diploma C

Swimming (without basic gear)

  • 75 metres crawl (freestyle) in reasonable style.
  • 200 metres breaststroke. At each 25-metre lane, surfacing a board from at least 2 metres depth.
  • 20 metres continuous underwater swimming.

Snorkelling (with basic gear)

  • Entering the water with a forward leap, immediately followed by 200 metres of snorkelling. Make a pike surface dive at every 25-metre lane and then tap the bottom with one hand at a depth of at least 2 metres, followed by a full longitudinal turn during ascent.
  • Enter the water from a sitting position on the pool edge with a roll backwards. Clear the mask twice at a depth of at least 2 m, without coming to the surface in between (fill the mask with water, place it on the face and clear it; this is done twice).
  • Come to the surface with an empty mask on the face, hands not touching the mask.
  • 75 metres of buddy breathing (see “explanation” under “Snorkelling (with basic gear)” of snorkelling diploma A).
  • Transporting the buddy (drowning person) in drag tow over a distance of 75 metres after first removing the snorkel from the buddy’s mouth while treading water and removing the mask from the face (nose and mouth must be free).
  • Swim underwater over a distance of 20 metres. Then surfacing the buddy, who is present with his or her head at a depth of at least 2 metres, and bringing him or her to the surface in head tow. Remove snorkel and mask (nose and mouth should be free). Then move the buddy over a distance of at least 5 metres to the edge of the pool and hand him or her over in such a way that helpers can remove him or her from the water. During transport the buddy’s face must be kept above the water.

Agility (with basic gear)

  • Performing a pike surface dive to the pool floor and then swimming through three hoops spaced at least 2 metres apart at a depth of at least 2 metres.
  • Snorkelling 50 metres using the dolphin stroke.
  • Swimming 15 metres underwater with blinded goggles, at a depth of at least 2 metres, along a line.