Examination programmes swimming diplomas

To get a diploma, you have to show that you have mastered the exercises. This is also the case with swimming diplomas. But what do you have to be able to do to get your C-diploma, for instance? And who decides? At AZL, we teach swimming lessons for the National Swimming Diplomas. The examination programmes for these diplomas are set by the Dutch National Water Safety Council | NRZ. In the Examination Regulations for National Swimming Diplomas, the NRZ also stipulates when the performance of a swimming stroke or exercise is sufficient and when it is not. So AZL itself has no influence on this.

We have collected the examination programmes of the National Swimming Diplomas and the Scubadoe snorkelling diplomas on our website, so that it is clear which exercises are covered during diploma swimming.

Examination programmes Swim-ABC

Examination programmes Swimming proficiency diplomas

The assessment criteria (the standards) are written in the examination regulations of the Dutch National Water Safety Council (Nationale Raad Zwemveiligheid, NRZ). It would go too far to put all these criteria on our site. If you have any questions about how the assessment works, we will be happy to explain it to you in person.